Home Business domain knowledge is ESSENTIAL! #softwareengineering #coding

Business domain knowledge is ESSENTIAL! #softwareengineering #coding

As a developer, how much business domain knowledge should you have?

It is easy for software engineers to develop tunnel vision and only focus on technical problems. However, you can increase your value to your organization by developing business domain knowledge.

Unless you are writing code for fun or learning, you are almost always trying to solve a problem. You have two options: either be told how to solve the problem, or design the solution yourself. Designing the solution will require a good understanding of the business and industry you are in. Otherwise, someone else will fill this gap and will likely only share information that fits their agenda.

If you want to break free from the agendas of others and start contributing solutions that have a broader impact beyond just the codebase you own, start developing a good understanding of the business you are in.

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